U.S. Military Budget

If NASA had the US Military budget

How USA Actually Spends its Military Budget

Why the US Military Costs so Much

What if NASA had the US Military's Budget?

We must cut military spending.

Why the US Military Budget Is Highest in the World


Americas Defense Budget Is Too Small

Military Spending By Country | Largest Army Budget | 1830-2024

Can The U.S. Afford Its Military Aid Promises?

Top 10 Countries by Military Spending (1870-2020)

What can US Transit Do With the Military Budget?

Biden unveils $6.8 trillion budget plan which includes record military spending

US Military Inventory | New Technologies | 2024 US Army! 🪖

DOD: Budget preps US for possible war with China

Biden Requests $886 BILLION for Military Budget

The Senate is debating an $886,000,000,000 defense budget. Here's why I intend to vote against it.

Why America’s Defense Budget Is Bigger Than You Think

Military Spending by Country | 1830-2022

What If NASA Had the U.S. Military's Budget?

How America became a superpower

Spend US Military Defense Budget ($716 Billion) In 24 Hours or Lose It All - CHALLENGE

Dept. of Defense requests $842 billion for 2024 budget

Why Does the US Spend So Much On Defense?